I disagree with you Paul. You can know what people believe. I know that like most level-headed rational humans we know that the 2020 election was not stolen. We look at the evidence. There was very little real evidence. A few affidavits of people saying they saw papers being inappropriately handled. What does that even mean? Certainly not corroborated by any election scrutineers. There was an embarrassing lack of credible testimony or evidence.
There is then only the belief in the event. And they are prepared to act upon their belief hence the storming of the capitol. They were manipulated, undoubtedly. The Trump dynasty wanted to keep power so he prepared the way. I am not giving credence to their erroneous belief by stating that for the Trump supporters it is true. You cannot act like they did without a genuine (but wrong) belief in the stolen election lie.
People in Germany under Hitler believed his rhetoric and lies. They were not all brainwashed by the powerful Nazi propaganda. They wanted Germany to be Great Again and they didn't care how or the means by which this was achieved. But in America the propaganda/’truth’ is now directly targeted at the individual with an endless bombardment. The Tech giants have a lot to answer for. They were complicit in the rise of fascism in America under Trump. They were complicit in allowing Trump to begin the stolen election lie months before the election. But censorship as I argued in an earlier piece is not the answer. Yet the danger from people believing in a lie is clear and present.